OSH Schedule

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M-14P’s EAA Airventure Schedule July 22 – 28, 2024

Monday/July 22nd

2:30 PM – 3:45 PM CDT
The Mighty M-14P Russian Radial
Jill ~ M-14P, Inc.
Forum Stage 4: Pilotsmith
Shopping for an M-14P?  Ready for an overhaul? What are best practices for owning and 
operating an M-14P? Get ready to hear the answers to these questions and more about
this amazing radial engine!


Tuesday/July 23rd

9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. CDT
Maintenance Brief by M-14P, Inc.
Redstar Pilot’s Association Tent in Warbirds
This is Jill’s annual check-in with fellow Redstars about maintenance issues, new
products, news, concerns and Q/A as time permits.


Wednesday/July 24th

8:00 A.M. – WAI Breakfast
11:00 A.M. – Boeing Plaza – WAI Group Pic


4:30 PM 
M-14P Murphy Moose Meetup
S.O.S Bros Beer Tent (Outside in Adirondack chairs- Look for Jill in her lime green
bucket hat)
Informal meetup to share a new and simple “fix” to address upper CHT issues
permeating the Moose community and any other topics for conversation!


Thursday/July 25th


Redstar Customer Aircraft Maintenance Consult –To be announced


10:00 AM – 11:15 AM CDT  
How the Sukhoi Was Born
Rick Volker and Brooks Mershon will review the initial design and creation of the Sukhoi
SU-26 from the former Soviet Union. 


5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
9th Annual M-14P, Inc. Customer Appreciation Party – INVITE ONLY
This is our chance to say “Thank you” for supporting our business throughout the year. 
Without sales, their would be no brats, beer or brownies!  ; )  We will also be
announcing and presenting our Customer of the Year Award!  This is also the ONLY
event at OSH, where all M-14P (and their ugly step-sister engines) will collide.  It is an
RAFFLE TICKET…..and, a group photo this year! 


Friday/July 26th

Redstar Customer Aircraft Maintenance Consult – To be announced