

OKBM Certification

Our mission is to be the #1 provider in the world for excellent service and reliable support for the M-14P and Huosai-powered community. We have demonstrated our steadfast commitment to our customers for decades.
Our relationship with our customers continues long after the sale or overhaul. We provide tremendous value with our expert customer support. Our relationship with our customers is built upon trust and it is the cornerstone for everything that we do in the name of safety.
One of our important challenges is to anticipate our customer’s needs and have the solution in place when we receive the phone call. Our ability to diagnose problems and provide you with sound, quality solutions sets us apart from our competition.
“Excellence is not an Accident.”

In June 2001, Jill Gernetzke and Carl Hays traveled to Voronezh, Russia to become the second and third Westerners to receive certification for the overhaul and repair of the M-14P and –PF engines at the engine production facility, OAO OKBM Motorostroyeniya. They spent a week with the production manager, Nikolai Sukhanov learning the procedures utilized by OKBM engineers.  The class solidified the knowledge that they had already acquired from years of experience repairing and servicing the M-14P engine.

We travel the world to continuously stay on top of our capabilities and keep your aircraft flying!