Prop Strike Inspection

We have a long and reputable history of working with insurance companies to get you back in the air, as quickly as possible. We will also use our expertise with the M-14P or -PF to discover damage those not familiar with the engine might overlook.
Upon determining that your engine will require a prop strike teardown, we will perform the following:
· Remove the gearbox (nosecase), baffling, sump, intake tubes and cylinders

· Split the power section and remove the crankshaft assembly.
· Check the torque and stretch of the crankshaft pinch bolt.
· Check the runout and side clearance of the rear cheekplate.
· Inspection of accessory shaft and drive gears for twist and damage.
· Magnaflux testing of steel parts
· Additional repairs and requested upgrades performed.
· Reassemble your engine with new seals, gaskets and hardware per the Manufacturer’s Overhaul Manual.
· For an additional fee, we will run your engine on the test stand after inspection.